BRUP CHEM, has a history of over 33 years of success in the competitive channel of Chemical & Enzyme Industry. We take great pleasure in introducing ourselves as one of the leading manufacturers & suppliers of wide range chemicals as well as Enzymes required for Distillery’s, Boilers, Water Softening /D. M. Plants, sugar process &Boiler House equipment’s, Recirculatery cooling water systems, Effluent water treatment plants etc.We are in association with chemical consultants for acquiring the latest technical knowledge in this field. Our all chemicals and Enzymes are manufactured as per certification of ISO & US-FDA quality standards.We have registered with Commissioner of Sugar M.S. Pune for rate Contract for Supply of above chemicals and Enzymes in Maharashtra. We are supplying our chemicals for more than 40 sugar factories in Maharashtra & about 10 sugar factories in Karnataka by last 33 years.


To ensure complete customer satisfaction in terms of quality, reliability and service for innovative and environment friendly chemical and enzyme solutions.


Thrust for growth and optimum reach to customers is an integral part of our future goals. Continuous emphasis is made to develop products that are eco-friendly and biodegradable. Plans are on for the backward integration which will benefit our customers in terms of value and response time. With these lofty ambitions, our prime focus is ultimately to achieve the customer satisfaction with cordial and mutually beneficial relationship.

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